Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fishing ND Tailrace or Missouri River Part 2 6-21-12

I am sorry for such a long gap between Part 1 and Part 2.  I have very valuable information for you though. 

On April 8th(Easter), Amber and I had our baby girl, Evangelyne Joy.  Since her birth I have been out fishing the river almost every weekend.  Before she was born we did go out to the tailrace and fish from the wing walls.  So that is where I will start.

Fishing the wingwalls was very interesting.  You are fishing back water and release water that is coming out of Lake Sakakawea.  Then you are probably 20 feet in the air.  If you do catch a fish you have to try and put it in a bucket/rack that is tied to the fence and pull it up.  If you don't have one of them then you have to pull that fish up the 20 ft hoping that it does not get off or break your line.  And if you do not have a bucket you have to keep the fish.  If you drop the fish the 20ft it will not survive. Fishing the wing walls was interesting, it took me a while to figure it out.  What works for me is to cast a 5/16oz jig(some even use a 1/4oz) with a worm or Minnow and slowly jig it back.  Always keeping tenchen is key. They bite lite and you want to feel that bite.

After Evangelyne was born I was able to fish the river portion in a boat.  I will share this in my next post.