Monday, November 21, 2011

All good in the end Part 1

Man oh man was this rifle season a treat.  It seemed like anything that could go wrong did go wrong.  I will paraphrase the first 2 weekends for you.

Opening weekend was like this.  Mine, Dusty's, and John's guns were off.  Took us a while to site them in.  Dusty had to go to his backup gun cause his wouldn't get dialed in.  John was running late and so was my camera man(Justin Werven).  Justin was late cause he was waiting for my suburban.  It never got fixed in time so he was late for nothing.  We only got to hunt for an hour and a half that day.  When we got home we found out that dads 4-wheeler was leaking gas.  We brought it in to the garage and didn't notice anything really wrong. 

Saturday morning was a treat.  We went back out with the 4-wheelers.  I went for a walk and only saw one deer.  Quick note on that deer, Friday night Justin told me that God wanted me to go back to the same spot the night before.  God had something there for me.  I was excited about it.  You trust in God, that is what he taught me with that deer.  Right before I saw that deer some guys got out of their vehicle and started blasting away at this deer, I think never did see the deer they were shooting at.  After those shots I was thinking now God can't show me anything.  Well the very next hill I went over was this one deer, a buck.  I would have shot him but he ran off.  I doubted God, he told me there was something there.  When I saw that buck, it was like God saying "I told you I would show you something, believe in me."  Lesson learned.

After that I caught up with Dusty and John, they didn't see much either.  So I hoped on with Dusty while John was driving dads 4-wheeler.  We were going and I looked behind us and no John.  Drive back found out that the carry rack fell off, screws came loose.  We jimmy rigged it back on.  I drove that 4-wheeler now just in case something else happens.  Wouldn't you guess it did, going up a hill the rack falls of again.  This time we are just leaving it off, over that hill is the truck.  While going down that hill to the truck the 4-wheeler runs out of gas, it was completely full that morning.  It lost all of its fuel, luckily I was able to coast to the truck.  Now we had to get it in the truck.  We turned the gas nob to the reserve tank and got it started.  Dusty drove it up the ramps, squeezed the brake(which I forgot to mention wasn't working the best) and ran into the front of the pickup box denting it.  The dent was pushed far enough in to where it was rubbing on the cab which later caused paint to come off.

Sunday and weekend number 2 wasn't that bad just no deer.

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