Monday, November 21, 2011

All good in the end Part 2

Final weekend came and I was jacked.  The rut is here, I had a great feeling about this.  My plan was to get my deer and then help Dusty.  Friday came with me seeing a nice buck.  The problem was that I was by myself and I couldn't get the video camera ready soon enough.  He took off with out a shot fired.

Lets jump to Saturday.  The goal here was for me to film Dusty.  He would get his deer that morning which would then free him up to film me, the joys of having a hunting show("Our World" for those of you who don't know. We got down to the spot that we wanted to hunt.  When we got down there we found out that it wasn't public land like we thought.  We were already running late, now we have to change things up really quick.  We decided to go to dad's stand.  When we got up there every move that we made was echoing.  Like that is going to bring deer in.  Once again we had to change things up.  We went back to our original spot but this time we went on private stuff that we did have permission on.  No deer came by.

Now we are heading back into town for some lunch.  On the way in, we spot this "okay" buck 50 yards off the road.  Dusty says "There's your mule deer buck." I said back to him "Yeah, but we don't have permission to hunt mule deer here."  So we continue on our way.  Dusty ends up calling dad, ends up we do have permission.  We head back that way.  We found a nice little dirt mound that we could sneak up to and get a great shot. The plan was perfect.  When we got there and looked over the hill, he was no where to be found.  Dusty and I started talking in our normal voices.  Then all of a sudden he gets up and starts walking threw the trees.  He doesn't give me a good shot and Dusty can't find him on the camera.  Finally he gets out of the trees.  Dusty is on him, now I can't find him in the scope.  The buck starts running faster and faster.  Needless to say I didn't take the shot.

That was disappointing.  Our heads were down a little bit, we knew though that the possibility of seeing another deer off the road was decent.  We were right! After about 5 miles of driving I spot a doe in this draw.  Dusty looked in the binoculars and didn't see a buck thought the doe was looking in the draw.  So we figured it ain't to far of a walk so lets check it out.  The buck was right below her.  The buck got up before we were ready.  He took off and never looked back.  Disappointment number 2.  I could not believe the bad luck we were having.

Lets jump to the next day which is also the last day of deer season.  Dusty was heading to the river bottom and dad and my nephew, Jase, was coming with me.  Dusty was going to sit all day long.  I was going to go on a big hike and have dad and Jase pick me up on the other side of these big draws.  I got dropped off and went over this first hill.  I sat down, right when I sat down this buck and 2 does get up and start running away.  I was contemplating weather I should go after them or not.  Normally I would but they were running in the direction I was not planning on going.  They made the choice for me as for some reason they came running back in my direction.  They stopped about 200 yards out there.  I got the camera setup, then I got my gun setup and the cross-hairs dialed in.  Went to pull the trigger, nothing.  The shell never went off.  What are the odds! No more buck, as I went to reload he took off.  I was furious.  Didn't understand why.

I was ready to quit though something told me I needed to pray, so I did.  After the prayer I felt better.  I kept on walking and getting upset again that I wasn't seeing anything.  Finally I decided I had enough.  I called dad on the cell phone and said "I'm not walking anymore.  Come back to the spot and pick me up."  He said "Okay.  It will take us a little bit to get there though."  He was on top of the other draw watching for deer.  I waited for a little bit when dad calls me back saying that there is a buck on top of this hill between us.  That got me pumped again.  I started walking to the hill just jacked.  Got to the top, looked around, no buck in sight.  I was upset again.

Finally I got to the last hill.  I was walking up it, dead tired, when dad meets up with me and says "I have this buck spotted over this hill.  Lets go take a closer look."  I said "Okay but I am tired."  When we got to the top of the hill we saw that the buck was laying down not paying any attention to us.  So we moved a little closer.  I got the camera setup again, this time I was able to fire a shot.  Smoked him.  Finally the worked paid off.

While Jase, dad and I were packing it up I got to thinking "God, why did I have to go through all this work for this deer."  Then he told me "Look around you."  I looked around, there was my nephew and my dad.  Growing up my dad took me hunting with him all the time.  Today we don't get a whole lot of opportunities to hunt together.  So God turned all the bad things into something even better.  The buck's horns was smaller then the one I could have gotten in the morning.  But because I got to share it with my dad, as he is watching me shoot, and my nephew this buck's horns grew.  That made this buck huge.

I have always had a heart for helping others through hunting.  Because of this I want to help others through hunting and the word of God.  So I am looking at starting a ministry to preach the word of God through hunting.  If you know someone that wants to hunt but can't either because they don't have someone to take them out or they are disabled, give me a call or email, 701.905.9048 or  If there is a will there is a way.  God will help us.  Through him all things are possible.

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